Digital microscopes with LCD screen for biology and veterinary medicine
Digital microscopes with system of visualization, documentation and measurements » Digital microscopes with LCD screen for biology and veterinary medicine
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In veterinary medicine, a lot of research is carried out: biochemical blood tests, general clinical urine tests, immunological studies (washout analyzes), coprologic studies, skin scrapings studies and others. Since most of the work is carried out in a bright field (blood, urine, bacteriological studies), conventional biological microscopes with a trinocular attachment are used for analysis. To view the image obtained from a microscope, it can be equipped with a digital camera and a special compact monitor with a high-resolution matrix. That allows even without using a computer, to receive a clear, contrast image of the test sample on a monitor attached to a digital camera.
Digital microscopes with visualization kit for routine studies in veterinary science based on LCD screen and camera