Medical Health BioResonance BioFeedback Diagnostic Machines by CIT Nelian
Medical Health BioResonance BioFeedback Diagnostic Machines by CIT Nelian
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Diagnostic equipment machines Biolaz Oberon and Dianel® with full biologically active feedback are used as the primary means for the health complex diagnostics computer bioresonance nonlinear test of the human body and have a wide range functionality:
1. Fast testing up to 1000 different body areas on the organ, tissues, cells and chromosome level
2. Visualization of the functional condition easily understandable to a patient;
3. High diagnostic accuracy of the tests with the highest comfort for patient
4. Confirmation of a possible diagnosis on the organ, chromosome and biochemistry level
5. Informational Energy Influence (Mora-Therapy function) for the normalization of organ's condition
6. Anti-Microorganism and Anti-helminths, Ant-virus therapy Frequency influence with visualisation of effect;
7. Making visual and clear comparative analysis of organ before therapy cource and after;
8. Making Energy-Informational Remedies (infoceuticals) of any remedy for patient using Vegetative Resonance Testing module of Dianel device
9. Visual and clear Vegeto-Resonance Test of any remedy sample by VRT module.
10. Health improvement program with highest effectiveness based on individual patient waves.
11. Chakra condition test, evaluation of pathological influence for chakra condition;
12. Aura condition test - evaluation of problems in organ for whole body aura.
13. Card index of patients;
14. Printing detailed automatic reports, printouts of body cuts;
More and more useful functions...
Diagnostic complex Dianel universal and used effectively by sanatoriums, medical clinics, homeopaths, nutritionist and dietary supplements experts, physiotherapeutic and SPA centers. Software Dianel-Pro, which is part of the complex, has a high degree of visualization of the testing process, with symbols that are intuitively clear to the patient (tested person). Dianel-pro software that are running VISUAL MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS DIANEL helps to illustrate the condition of the patient's organs, the degree of deviation from the norm, the effectiveness of the impact of recommended health improvement program based on medications, or dietary supplements, or homeopathic remedies, or herbal medicine, or a healthy balanced diet, physical therapy, and many other means of prevention and rehabilitation.
The software Dianel has ample opportunity to print the test results, preparation and printing of detention (result list, epicrisis) and medical appointments. After an initial examination by a medical diagnostic complex Dianel, patient can get a sheet with additional appointments of traditional medical tests, consultations of doctors and specialists, special hardware research methods, such as MRI, ultrasound, X-ray to confirm the identified pathological processes and degree of their severity.
This feature allows efficiently use Dianel complexes in the state budget medical institutions, health care facilities, clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums, where complex detailed initial diagnosis is important and there is opportunity to provide clarifying related diagnostic services to the patient, physical therapy and wellness treatments, necessary treatment and prevention. This confirms the effective and mutually beneficial use of Medical Diagnostic Machine Dianel and traditional medical diagnostic tools that allows within a health care facility to provide the most complete picture of the patient's health condition in a short time of initial examination.
CIT NELIAN takes for the implementation as well as implementing a program TRADE-IN, ie, exchange of old vehicles of computer bioresonance NLS diagnosis at the new, modern equipment of the new line - hardware-software bio-resonance NLS diagnostics with full biofeedback Dianel 51xx with your surcharge.
In this regard, we have a second-hand systems of bio-resonance NLS diagnostics, which we lovingly restore, repair, configure, calibrate, and mikroproshivku update software, and then offer for sale at a low price.
All reconditioned machines Computer Diagnostic NLS provides 1 year warranty.
To exchange on Trade-In program (exchange of used appliances for new) accepted machines and devices Biolaz Oberon, Dianel, Sensitive Imago, Physiospect, Aur-um, Vector, Diacom, Biospect, Dial, Valeoscan, Metatron, Introspect and other ...
We have to approach each client individually. We each customer makes a lucrative offer - changing surcharge your old machine to a new Dianel 51xx with Dianel-2 software in complete set, that is compatible with any Windows version, including Windows 10.
Also, you can take your B / C diagnostic tool for implementation - we organize repair and restoration, to establish advertising and demonstration of your device, provide a guarantee for reconditioned equipment, ie perform warranty and post-warranty repair. device transfer is a contract and detailed specification.