Training seminars and technical support of Dianel software and hardware
Training seminars and technical support of Dianel software and hardware
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Center of Information Technologies NELIAN offers individual professional training seminars on the methodology and operation of the "Biolaz-Oberon"/"Dianel " hardware and software systems. Without the professional training a person can not be qualified to work with the Biolaz-Oberon/Dianel SHS and may not perform the customer testing followed by a medical report o decision. All specialists working on the Nelian equipment, must have a certificate that confirms the fact that they have gone throght the professional training and are authorized to work with the system.
The following professionals are eligible for the training: medicine doctors (with a university medical degree), medical assistants (paramedics, nurses, attendants with a college medical degree), doctors certified in nutrition science, homeopathy, traditional, non-conventional, alternative, holistic, orthomolecular and other types of complementary medicine. The copies of the documents confirming the medical background must be submitted in advance berfore the training (!) The following documents are accepted diplomas, graduation certificates, certificates on participation in congresses and seminars on conventional and complementary medicine. The training is followed by the inssue of a p. We are very conscious about the training of the healthcare specialists who are supposed to work with "Biolaz Oberon" and "Dianel" systems because we really appreciate our business reputation and the reputation of our diagnostic equipment and bio-resonance diagnostics method in the market.
There are several options of the training depending on who is to be trained:
Option 1: With regard to the conventional medical practice that medical services may be provided only by a medica doctor. The MD degree requires 6 years of medical school training + 2 years of medical residency. It will be a mistake to assume that a person without a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology, withoug practical skills and knowledge on how patients complaints are related to diseases and symptoms is able to fully assess the state of the human body, to choose and recommend conventional treatment.
Option 2: Alternative Medicine. A traditional or alternative medicine specialist i may not be a Doctor of Medicine. For years such a specialist has been studying his or her original treatment methods. He or she has got diplomas, certificates, possibly has recieved a personal taxpayer number for doing his medical practice. Such specialists in alternative medicine are also eligible for training and use of our methods and products. There are many alternative medicine practitioners and alternative medicine centers who purchased our equipment and for years have been successfully working with it in the complementary medicine field.
Option 3: The device is acquired by an enterpreneur, who is niether a doctor nor an alternative medicine specialist. The enterpreneur decides who and where is going to work with the equipment. If he cares about the future of his business, the customer and professional community relationship to his activities, he needs to follow a serous and professional approach. Specifically an entrepreneur would hire an MD or a qualified alternative medicine specialist with a solid experience. We can conduct the training for the enterpreneur, as the owner of the device capable of controlling its use. However, in this case, we are will not issue a certificate entitling the enterprenequr with a full diagnostic activity on our equipment.
Option 4: An operator without medical training conducts research and fills in the epicrisis and an MD makes specific recommendations to a patient and prescribes a certain treatment.
Long-term experience shows that for the optimum diagnostics, testing, data processing and making medical comments should be carried out by one person. It's up to the owner of the unit to decide how to work with it, but we recommend that the analysis and processing are conducted by one specialist - an MD or a an alternative medicine specialist, otherwise you may miss out on important details about the health condition and appropriate treatment.