Function principle of Hardware-Software Complex "Biolas-Oberon" / "Dianel"
every model (further HSC)
The HSC “Biolas-Oberon” consists of the device “Biolas-Oberon” or “Dianel” and of the Software “Dianel” – nonlinear state of health analysis and testing of preparations» (further “Software Dianel”), installed on a IBM PC-compatible computer. The device “Biolas-Oberon”(or “Dianel”) can’t work without the software “Dianel” and the software “Dianel” can’t work without the device “Biolas-Oberon”or “Dianel”)!
Function principle in brief: on the command of the software “Dianel” the HSC “Biolas-Oberon”(or “Dianel”) reads data from the weak electromagnetic field of the tested person, sends them to the software “Dianel”, and the software “Dianel” processes the data and gives out the results. The operator acting as diagnostician chooses from the lists the standards corresponding to the state of health of the tested patient; when doing that he is guided by his experience.
HSC “Biolas-Oberon”(or HSC “Dianel”) function principle in details
Data getting
The software “Dianel” gets initial information about the tested person: age, sex, complaints and diagnoses confirmed in other way; on the ground of this information an investigation plan is given out automatically. The operator can enlarge or reduce the investigation plan using his own discretion.
The diagnosed patient gets magnetic inductors in form of headphone on his head, the galvanic sensors are put into his hands, a highfrequent bioresonant emitter is directed to the area of the headphone which is put on. The operator gives the command (strikes keys) “investigation”.
According to the investigation plan, depending on the organ (a group of organs) to be tested the software “Dianel” adjusts the device on the electromagnetic pulse frequencies of the given organ. These pulses are read from the extern biofield of the tested patient, thus the organs and the cells are not influenced! The investigation of an organ lasts 10-20 seconds. When an organ is investigated, the HSC “Biolas-Oberon”(or “Dianel”) sends the data to the computer for the software “Dianel” through the Com-port (RS232); owing to this fact the software “Dianel” displays the data of condition of the organ on the screen of the computer’s monitor in real time mode. When the investigation of the organ is over, the software “Dianel” checks the presence of the feedback of the HSC “Biolas-Oberon” (or “Dianel”) sensors with the patient; if this kind of communication is confirmed, the software adjusts the device on the electromagnetic pulses frequency of the next organ – the procedure will be repeated and so on to the end of the investigation plan. If the software “Dianel” gets information about the absence of the feedback with the sensors, the investigation is interrupted.
The data being got in process of investigation, are stored in the software “Dianel” containing the investigation’s results of the given patient and this enables the returning to the data analysis each time.
When the investigation of organs is over, the operator can conduct the investigation of organ centers in a similar way.
Thus the work of HSC”Biolas-Oberon”(or “Dianel”) is completely program controlled by the commands of the software “Dianel”, which are monitored by the operator.
The processing of the obtained data the software “Dianel” does in the following way:
The obtained organ state diagram is compared with standard diagrams belonging to the given organ. As standards can be used diseases (organpreparations, pathomorphologic and nosologic processes in an organ, virus, helminthes, allergens) and also medicinal preparations (phytopreparations, homeopathic and allopathic means, dietary supplements).
The pathology centers can be tested in the following way: the pathologic diagram is compared with the organ state diagram; the more similar are the diagrams the less is the difference between the coordinates of the main points of the diagram and therefore the less is the coefficient of spectral similarity with the standard. If the factors of spectral similarity with the standard are minimal, we can assert that the tested patient has the given pathomorphology, and, on the contrary, if these factors are high, the patient has no disease. The medicinal preparations can be selected on the ground of the diagram of the spectral similarity with the standard: the more suitable is the preparation the less is the factor of the spectral similarity with the standard. The software “Dianel” provides the following function: more probably diseases and more suitable medicinal preparations are placed in the top of the list and besides this they are red colored.
Some additional abilities to detect the diseases and their predispositions the operator can have by using the functions “Entropy analysis” and “NLS-analysis”, which are foreseen in the software. Thanks to the function “Entropy analysis” one can define the stage of disease’s development and its energetic component (for example, chronic or sharp processes), and the function “NLS-analysis” enables a biochemical analysis to clear up: if there is, for example, protein in urine or not, if iron of blood serum is more than 170 mkt% or less than 70 mkt % etc.
The operator makes analysis in consecutive order, from organ to organ, from system of organs to system of organs. The problem organs to be examined by the operator additionally are marked with red color in the list of examined organs.
The operator adds to the epicrisis (conclusion), as he thinks best, the spectral similar standard processes of diseases with a coefficient, thus the operator answers for the results. The operator can add to each spectral similar standard process explanations and comments. The medicinal preparations, selected on the ground of individual predisposition of the tested patient will be also added to the epicrisis by the operator; the dosage and recommendations can be specified.
A health improving program can be recommended after systematization of prescribed medicinal preparations, of their dosages and the way and time to be taken.
If there are indication, the client can be advised to visit the concrete specialists to be consulted and to make all the necessary analysis.
The using of an automated data base containing diets, procedures, regimes etc. enables the prescription of a health improving diet (with describing its components) by selecting it from the list of diets being offered. In a similar way can be prescribed: a program of exercise therapy, regime and massage. The data are to be sent to the epicrisis.
More information on the DIANEL/BIOLAZ-OBERON devices and DIANEL software
- Theoretical basis under the method of Biolaz-Oberon/Dianel computer bioresonance testing
- Function principle of Biolaz-Oberon and Dianel hardware and sofware systems
- Advantages of computer bioresonance testing with Biolaz-Oberon and Dianel diagnostic systems
- Applications of Biolaz-Oberon and Dianel diagnostic systems
- Biolaz-Oberon/Dianel system Specifications
- Features of the Dianel Software and the software and hardware system as a whole
- Detailed description of Dianel-Pro functionality
- Training for Biolaz-Oberon/DIANEL operators
- List of organs available for testing in the Dianel Pro software
- List of etalons in the Dianel-Pro database
- List of organs available for testing in the Dianel 2.0 software
- List of etalons in the Dianel 2.0 database
- Protection against unauthorized sofware and hardware reproduction
- Cases of Dianel and Biolaz-Oberon applications in medical practice for diagnostics and treatment of varied diseases.
- CIT NELIAN head office address
- List of the official regional and national Distributors (all countries)