Ways for effective use Bioresonance Biofeedback Diagnostic and Endogenous bioresonance EIF-Therapy Dianel-5122 Machine with Dianel-2 software to protect from microorganisms, including Coronavirus
Functional condition Research process is a preparation step To make Endogenous Bioresonance Energy-Informational-Frequency-Therapy
N.B. !!! During research, testing, and EIF-Therapy Patient sits on correct position connected to all the sensors, Emitter is pointed to the head with Headphones (Magnetic Inductors).
- Collect holistic anamnesis overview of patient - using Dianel-iON interviewing with biofeedback by GSR signal;
- Input correct actual anamnesis into "Interactive anamnesis" window in Dianel-2.1 software;
- Do correct Bioresonance Diagnostic testing of organs - not only organs from systems corresponding to anamnesis (complaints and diagnosis of patient), but additional according holistic medicine theory.
- Do analysis of organs usual way, if you see SARS-nCOV-2 virus (Reason of COVID-19 coronavirus) in breathing system and other microorganisms are possible - add microorganisms list to epicrisis (report).
- Go to "Research window" to test Coronavirus and other microorganisms - select it from the Research Scheme list and test it usual way. (Open correct list of evaluated microorganisms from Epicrisis as reminder to test it.)
- Test SARS-nCOV-2 virus (Reason of COVID-19 coronavirus) and other microorganisms from "Research window" to measure correct personified frequencies of coronavirus, and additionally helminths and other microorganisms.
DIANEL®-5122 System Bioresonance Biofeedback Diagnostics, Step-by-Step instructions for Practitioners - Introduction – Visual Diagnostic Process :
Now there are Steps to do Endogenous Bioresonance Energy-Informational-Frequency-Therapy and support patient from viruses and other microorganisms
#1. Do Endogenous Bioresonance EIF-Therapy
Endogenous Bioresonance Energy-Informational-Frequency-Therapy for the organs with pathological signs to protect these organs and improve homeostasis - use EIF-Therapy button from Analysis window. EIF-Therapy is based on endogenous frequency of initial patient's organ. Dianel-51xx system do influence based on the initial tissie frequecies and power of influence is natural and personal for every individual, that makes EIF-Therapy very effective and successful.
Open Coronavirus in Analysis window then click EIF-Therapy button then click Start button to run Therapy. After you will see the results of Bioresonance Endogenous Therapy step Influence. Repeat to do the second and more steps.
Recommended up to 5-6 EIF-therapy steps per day for every human's organ/tissue or microorganism. There can be many organ/tissue/microorganisms for EIF-therapy per day.
N.B. Endogenous Bioresonance EIF-Therapy function automatically recognizes organs to make Protector EIF-Therapy influence and for harmful Human microorganisms - Endogenous Bioresonance EIF-Therapy makes Destructor EIF-Therapy influence.
Bioresonance Biofeedback Dianel-5122 System Top model has built-in function of Multi Endogenous Bioresonance Energy-Informational-Frequency-Therapy to make health improvement influence on selected items in one click. Practitioner in Research Scheme window should select organ/tissue/cells for Protector bioresonance influence of endogenic EIF-Therapy and helminths / bacteria / viruses and microorganisms (for Destructor influence of endogenic EIF-Therapy) simultaneously and click Multi-EIF-Therapy. Dianel-5122 System will do correct influence for all the list of selected items – up to 1000 – organ / tissue / cells / DNA / RNA / helminths / bacteria / viruses / other microorganisms. This is the way to heal the reason of the problems – Holistic approach in use Dianel-5122 machine…
#2. EIF-Transfer to make useful Energy-Informational Spectronosod (Infoceutic) remedies
Endogenous Bioresonance Energy-Informational-Frequency-Transfer function in INVERTED mode helps you to make spectronosode (infoceutic) that works to destruct microorganisms, to treat pathological processes even in early stage, to protect and normalize organs and tissues metabolism and homeostasis at the same time. To make it this way use etalons of evaluated and proved SARS-nCOV-2 virus (Reason of COVID-19 coronavirus), helminths, bacteria, and other viruses and microorganisms, highly possible pathological processes, or endogenic frequency of initial patient's organ.
Use "EIF-Transfer" button from "Etalones" window - to work with proved pathological etalons or from "Analysis" window - to work with endogenic frequency of initial patient's organs-tissue-cells in Moderate or Dysfunction condition that shows for the pathological process inside.
N.B. Spectronosodes (= infoceutics) to heal acute pathological processes should be done on the Water matrix, but spectronosodes to eliminate chronical pathological processes should be done on the matrix of Alcohol / Homeopathic Sugar Globules / Paraffin or Oil.
To make EIF-Transfer infoceutic patient should not be connected to sensors of Dianel-51xx machine.
#3. EIF-Transfer function in DIRECT mode
(without Invert option) way helps you to make spectronosode (infoceutic) that works to protect and normalize organs, even after COVID-19 (SARS-nCOV-2 coronavirus infection).
Use EIF Therapy button from "Etalones" window with frequencies of Remedies, Medicines, frequencies of healthy organs, litotherapy, homeopathy, fitotherapy, herbs and other useful and healthy etalons.
# 4. The most effective remedy selection
!!! For synergy effect EIF-Therapy course should go simultaneously with a course of compatible remedies. Select the most effective medicines, remedies, Herbs, Dietary supplements, homeopathy, Bach Flowers, Litotherapy, Ayurveda from huge DIANEL data base. This way remedies will be the most effective and harmless, because of Dianel software advice remedies on the basis of frequencies comparative analysis of remedy and organ to improve it.
We wish you effective and successful holistic work with your patients.