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Download Dianel Software

Step-by-step instructions to update Dianel-iON software

  1. Download and install the security key driver Sentinel HASP;
  2. Insert the HASP key into a free USB socket on your PC;
  3. Download and install the Dianel-iON program(multilingual version). When the question “Delete research files, program settings and other files created by the Dianel-ion program?” appears, be sure to click the “NO” button;
  4. Download and install Video Tests for the Dianel-iON program version dated 09/01/2022;
  5. If you have any questions, read the “User Guide for the Dianel-iON program” or contact our Technical Support

!!! When updating the Dianel-ION software, replacement or updating of the license file is NOT required, but if you have not updated the program for a long time (more than 2 years), then after installing the new version of the Dianel-ION software, you may need to update the license file. Therefore, we ask you to make update on business days so that you have the opportunity to contact us and obtain, if necessary, a new license.

Before updating the program, follow these steps:

  1. Back up your research;
  2. Prepare the Dianel program installer and start the installation;
  3. Restore your research database in the Dianel program, if necessary.

Dianel-iON software includes the versions in languages:

  1. Bulgarian;
  2. English;
  3. French;
  4. Japanese;
  5. Romanian;
  6. Russian;
  7. Persian.
  8. German

Minimun System requirements for Dianel-iON software:

Operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11. 64-bit operating system recommended;
CPU: multi-core Intel Core i3/i5/i7, or AMD Ryzen 5/7/9, clock speed 2 GHz or more;
RAM: from 8 GB, preferably 16 GB;
USB ports: at least two ports. If you are using a locally connected printer, you will need a third USB port;
Video adapter RAM at least 128 MB compatible with DirectX 9.0
Disk: HDD or SSD (Hard or Solid State) – with free space of more than 20 GB for storing photo and video files;

Screen: – Full HD (1920*1080) display with a diagonal of 16";
CD or DVD drive for recording studies and for installing the software Dianel (not necessary)

  • +7495-518-2541
  • +7926-747-5551
  • ПН-ПТ 10:00 – 18:00, UTC+3:00

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