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Dianel-Micro software - automation of digital microscopy - a free trial version and a lot of improvements have appeared

Dear users of Dianel®-micro software - automation of microscopy using digital cameras for a microscope - versions Medicine, Hemoscanning!

List of improvements in the updated version of Dianel®-micro - version Medicine, Hemoscanning:

The Dianel-Micro program has a free trial version for 2 months, after which the user can decide whether to purchase the program or not. Anyone can download the program for free and upon request use all the functionality of the program for free for 2 months, then make an informed choice in favor of our program.

Now the Dianel-Micro program works from Sentinel software keys. There is no need to send a USB hardware key to the user by delivery services, now only a file is sent by e-mail, which happens instantly and significantly reduces the cost of purchasing the program, and also makes it easier to start working with the Dianel-Micro program.

  • • The work with the tools for measuring micro-objects in the image has been redesigned and significantly simplified - a lot of measurement tools will satisfy the needs of the most demanding specialists. We are ready to introduce new measurement tools at your request;
  • • The Video Capture window has been significantly improved - when you select the lens used, the created photo images are automatically assigned the appropriate scale based on the selected calibration, which allows you to immediately work with measurement tools during analysis, evaluation and measurement without being distracted by choosing the appropriate calibration; Also, thanks to the automatic calibration assignment, a control segment is immediately created on the images, allowing you and your colleagues to assess the image scale and simplifying the identification of micro-objects.
  • • Fixed operation of the control segment indicating the scale of the photo. Now the position of the control segment can be changed by moving the segment, you can change the length of the control segment with the mouse - a very necessary and convenient function when publishing scientific papers and jointly studying images of microobjects, creating reports and protocols for studying a microsample;
  • • Implemented imitation of "Goryaev's camera" during real-time video capture. The pitch of the grid imitating the Goryaev camera can be set not only to 50 microns and 200 microns, but to any custom one, which immediately allows you to determine the approximate dimensions of the micro-objects you observe - for example, the number and size of blood cells - erythrocytes, leukocytes, lymphocytes, platelets, as well as inclusions in plasma - parasites, helminths, trematodes, nematodes, fungi, other transient pathogenic microorganisms, etc. desired micro-objects. The grid with the selected step, selected in the Video capture window, is transferred to the image analysis mode of the “Evaluation and measurement” window. At the user's choice, the grid can be turned off at any time in any window, the image will be automatically resaved for an article or printing without a grid, but with a control segment, this is important and convenient for preliminary size control.
  • • The "SELECTION OF STANDARDS" window ensures the correct distribution of standards according to the conclusion - all pathogenic standards are added to the "Research Results" section, all health standards - fall into the section of the epicrisis "Health Program" for compiling a program of health improvement and rehabilitation, as well as for the prevention program for age-related (gerontological)) diseases. Also, the appearance of the list of selected standards has been redesigned, it has become more visually beautiful.
  • • The Database has been updated - more than 1000 standards have been added. Groups B - NSP, B - SIBERIAN HEALTH (Siberian Wellness), AF - MEDICINES (added 3 standards), new groups B - SHEN LONG HAPPINESS, B - TRANSFER FACTOR (ATTENTION!!! To activate new groups, the user needs will update the program and license file);
  • • The ability to export a printed document to popular formats is integrated into all printing forms of the Dianel-Micro program: Microsoft Word docx, Microsoft Excel xslx, PowerPoint pptx, PDF, Image jpg. Next to the print button, there is an “Export” button with a drop-down list of formats, a dialog box appears with export settings and the path to save the file. The export settings of each format are saved automatically, the file saving path is remembered and suggested when saving.
  • • When exporting a study protocol with the results of photo-video documentation, the file is given the same name as the report name, indicating the date, time, Patient/Sample name, report name, which allows the user-operator to reduce the number of unnecessary routine operations for renaming files and speeds up the overall work with the Dianel-Micro program without sacrificing quality;
  • • Improved the convenience of editing the name of the records - in the card index, pressing F2 now opens editing the record of operators or patients, file name, etc.;
  • • When you try to delete the operator, a warning appears about deleting all studies along with the operator, then you need to confirm - “Delete? - Yes or No." This will protect against accidental loss of the patient database or samples of this operator, including photographs, conclusions, and other data.
  • • Added the ability to edit the Calibration - names and values ​​- to avoid confusion when working on different microscopes, as well as to reconfigure the calibration for a new microscope, the font is loaded from the program settings.
  • • The presentation of information in the printed form “List of patients (List of samples)” has been improved: a column has been added with its ID and the total number of Patients / samples.
  • • Fixed saving of text notes to an image (photo or video) after editing when switching to the “Evaluation and Measurement” window;
  • • Simplified work with camera mode Autoexposure - Dianel-Micro program remembers the last state selected by the user. This is important for users who routinely work with the same lens and lighting mode of the test sample - there is no need to re-adjust the exposure - the balance of illumination, brightness, contrast - it is enough to adjust once.
  • • There was a button for quick access to auto exposure - On / Off - present in full-screen and windowed modes of the Dianel-Micro program - it can be enabled, disabled, reconfigured;
  • • An important improvement is that the Dianel-Micro program can work in windowed or full-screen mode, in all cases the user is provided with access to the Windows panel, which is usually located at the bottom of the screen, or is located at the right edge of the screen. The ability to access the Windows bar allows the operator to quickly switch to other running Windows applications without resorting to special Windows commands, since many users do not know such special key combinations (Windows + D = minimize all windows, Alt + Tab = switch between windows of running applications)
  • • Fixed drawing of measurement objects, now for photos and images of any resolution the scale of Dimension lines and dimensions remains Correct and proportional.
  • • The process of requesting a license to activate the program has been simplified;
  • • Optimization of work, elimination of minor errors.

  • +7495-518-2541
  • +7926-747-5551
  • *Ежедневно 9:00 – 18:00, UTC+3:00

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