Colposcopes Zenit (Russia)
Digital video-colposcopes » Colposcopes Zenit (Russia)
Modern ZENIT colposcopes manufactured by JSC KMZ (Krasnogorsk Plant named after S.A. Zverev) are the most advanced and popular colposcopes of domestic production. Their popularity is due to the combination of the highest class optics, reliable, ergonomic design of the devices and affordable price.
The Zenit Plant specializes in the development and production of optical systems for the defense, space industry, photographic equipment, optical measuring instruments. The accumulated experience allowed the enterprise to develop a line of optical medical devices of the highest quality that meet the requirements of the most demanding specialists and successfully compete with the best examples of Western manufacturers.
KNb ZENIT colposcopes, unlike many others, are completely manufactured by one plant from the design to the finished product. The arsenal of JSC KMZ includes research facilities, foundries, plastics production, etc. Each stage of production is strictly controlled by the quality management system.
Advantages of Zenit colposcopes
The Greenough optical system provides a stereo effect, a large depth of field and an increased field of view with the appropriate magnification, all this increases the diagnostic capabilities of the product. Multilayer enlightened optics of the highest quality allows you to get an excellent image with natural color rendition.
The built-in step zoom system allows you to achieve maximum image detail.
The ability to attach to a gynecological chair.
Digital video attachment for obtaining an image of the colposcope working field in electronic form with the ability to save it on a computer (optional).
These qualities, combined with reliability and an attractive price, make Zenit colposcopes an ideal solution for a clinic of any level.
Colposcopes ZENIT with a video system based on the PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE "DIANEL®-MICRO COLPOSCOPY" have important advantages:
Formation of a database of operators and patients;
The ability for several operators to work at one workplace with a division of the patient database;
Documentation Photo images, any image formats (Jpeg/ BMP / PNG / TIFF, etc.);
Documentation of video files, AVI, MP4, WMV, etc.;
Automatic application of a colposcopic grid and markers-indicators of affected areas to images;
Selection and calculation of the area of disturbances and lesions;
The ability to create individual settings profiles for various types of video recording devices (colposcopes, endoscopes, hysteroscopes, etc.);
Search for patients in the database (by last name, age, diagnosis, phone, email);
A protocol for a colposcopic examination is compiled;
Automatic calculation of the Reid Index (The modified Reid colposcopic index - RCI);
Generation of reports based on the results of OVERVIEW COLPOSCOPY;
Generation of reports based on the results of EXTENDED COLPOSCOPY;
Generation of reports with an assessment of the Degree of colposcopic damage (Coppleson Grading System);
Generating reports with vulva assessment (vulvoscopy);
Printing reports;
Exporting all forms of reports and conclusions to files of popular formats (MS Word *.docx, Excel *.xlsx, JPG, PDF, Power Point *.pptx);
Sending report files and conclusions by email to the patient or colleagues;
Automatic comparison mode of colposcopic examination images to monitor dynamics;
Ready-made report templates are offered, supplemented and edited as desired;
Convenient and simple import of other examination results, certificates, analyzes into the patient's card from the scanner;
Integration with laser surgery;
Interface in Russian;
Protection of patients' personal data and the database from unauthorized access;
Possibility of transferring examination data over the INTERNET and INTRANET;
Possibility of recording examination data on external devices (flash cards, memory cards, external media, etc.).
Facilitation of statistical data collection for a group of patients selected through flexible filters - for writing scientific articles and defending PhD theses,
Russian software included in the register of Russian software
Free software updates for the entire period of operation on the PC.
Detailed description of the software "DIANEL®-MICRO COLPOSCOPY"