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Digital Microscopy HD Images Analysis Software by CIT Nelian

Digital microscopes with system of visualization, documentation and measurements » Digital Microscopy HD Images Analysis Software by CIT Nelian Digital Microscopy HD Images Analysis Software by CIT Nelian

Dianel®-Micro Software - real live blood analysis machine!

- A set of the Software “Dianel®- micro” and a high quality digital microscope camera is intended to visualize an image with a high resolution on the screen, automation of qualitative examination of any micro objects and bio materials, storage and systematization of photo images and video.
Benefits of the Complex:
- Compatibility with any models of microscopes and digital cameras;
- Easy install with any Windows operating systems;

- An image output with resolution up to 8000x;
- Full HD video quality;
- Card files for million examinations;
- Reasonable price.

Sphere of application:
- high resolution microscopy, darkfield blood analysis, live blood cell analysis, live blood test analysis, dark field blood analysis, blood test analysis software, hemaview blood analysis, naturopath blood analysis

- Professional pay diagnostic services to medical and scientific laboratories, clinics on complex treatment and prophylactics of diseases by private doctors and naturopaths, SPA centers, health-improving centers on nutrition and use of dietary supplements.

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- Analyzing live blood and saliva to fit a health-improving program for all the body.
- Material science, flaw detection, forensic science.
Functions and practical use:

- Surerior real time Full HD video from microscope with Hi resolution Video record and Full Photo (image) record function, "No Froze"
- Analysis of photo images (revealing pathological processes in human tissues and organs, selection of health-improving products for prophylactics and treatment).
- Audio record with commentaries of an expert;
- Automatic report making;
- A vast base of patterns, recommendations on programs of prophylactics and health-improvement;
- Print of images in full color depth;
- CD or DVD record of photo and video files.
Primary virtues of Complex Dianel®-Micro:
Screening examinations of micro objects makes possible to improve the analysis efficiency as compared with examination through oculars, to reduce fatigability of lab assistants.
Documentation of images with resolution of 5 Mega pixels and more is essential to examine dynamically changing micro objects, to compare changes of micro objects in time and to analyze a micro probe even after its destruction.
Complex “Dianel - Micro” makes possible to re-equip laboratories at minimal costs, to motivate the patients to have procedures and health-improving programs in your center, to open diagnostic cabinets and earn more by providing overall diagnostic services.

  • +7495-518-2541
  • +7926-747-5551
  • ПН-ПТ 10:00 – 18:00, UTC+3:00

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