ToupTek ToupCam digital cameras for microscope with USB, Wi-Fi, GE, HDMI, 4K, SD card interfaces
Digital USB, HDMI, GE, Wi-Fi Cameras for microscopes and Software » ToupTek ToupCam digital cameras for microscope with USB, Wi-Fi, GE, HDMI, 4K, SD card interfacesSearch products within this category
Modern microscopes are increasingly equipped with visualization and documentation systems, or, more simply, digital cameras for a microscope. Why?
There are several reasons:
1. All studies carried out using microscopes require documentary evidence. In the case of digital microscopy, evidence confirming the opinion and decision of the researcher (laboratory assistant, operator) is a photograph (photographic image, used for static objects) or video (video, for moving and rapidly changing objects).
2. A photo or video, in the form of a file, can be transferred to colleagues for organizing a consultation, which will allow forming a collegial decision. Photo and video files are compatible with any personal computer and can be evaluated without additional use of special equipment.
3. Visualization systems reduce the fatigue of personnel - laboratory assistants, operators - when carrying out the same type (routine) research, which increases the efficiency of work, the speed of research, analysis and measurements of micro-objects.
4. Resolution of modern digital cameras, color rendition and contrast allow to form high-definition images on modern monitors and TVs, providing excellent detail, which already surpasses the image of micro-objects observed by a specialist through the eyepieces of a microscope. If necessary, photo images can be printed on color printers and attached to the "case".
5. Software "Dianel-micro", which controls cameras, forms the basis of visualization and documentation systems. Dianel-Micro allows not only visualization, but also evaluate micro-objects and samples, measure cells / inclusions / structures, and other smallest micro-objects both in medicine and biology, veterinary medicine, and in mechanical engineering and materials science, which provides an evidence-based level and qualitative analysis micro-objects. All conducted studies are organized in a Database with a convenient structure, instant search, the ability to control changes in samples and samples, comparative analysis of images, dynamics in the patient's condition, etc.
6. Automation of most processes, the ability to quickly and accurately measure micro-objects and inclusions in images, recognition of cells, inclusions, structures, and much more. All this contributes to a significant increase in the speed of research, increase in efficiency, and minimization of errors arising from the notorious "human factor".
And those who like to work "in the old-fashioned way" can still observe micro-objects and everything necessary in the eyepieces, while simultaneously displaying the image on the screen when using Trinocular microscopes.
The Center for Information Technologies Nelian offers digital cameras from well-known world manufacturers tested by our specialists at low, economically justified prices, as well as multifunctional software Dianel-Micro of its own design, which makes it possible to create a Digital Microscope - a powerful research complex with a visualization and documentation system with a database, album, functions of measurement, comparison, evaluation, control of the dynamics of changes and other necessary functions - in more detail about the functionality of the program for the camera of the Dianel-Micro microscope: