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Training cource "LBA - Live blood Analysis and dark field research of blood cells for integrative medicine and holistic practitioners with "Dianel Micro" software

The curriculum of the three-day training course
«The Method of darkfield and lightfield microscopy of live blood with use of «Dianel-Micro - automation of work on digital microscopes» 

Video "An example of an introductory lesson conducted in our Training Center "Basics of LBA - Live Blood Analysis hemoscanning - native blood microscopy with doctor's comments, Introductory lesson in Russian" -
Part 2 - 1 hour:

Older name of this Method is Haemoscanning of live drop of human blood.

FULL-TIME trainning plan is equal to the ONLINE TRAINING thematic plan. We provide online training individually to the customer according agreed dates and time with help of Skype Share screens function or TeamViewer with voice.
All Training is carried by Doctor of Medicine with experience in native (live) blood microscopy for more than 10 years.

We provide a huge volume of literature, photos and videos. 
The first day
 Duration of lectures with practical training is measured in academic hour, 12 hours in all.
Time of lessons
Name and content of lessons
The person responsible for lessons
Form and technique of training,
Devices to be used,
Methodical materials,
Special remarks
Theoretical bases of the method. Construction of microscope. Review of produced devices.
1.1 Theoretical bases and features of the dark field haemoscanning method.
1.2 Historical information.
Physical bases of the light passage through the optical systems and the difference between investigation in the dark field and in the light field. Normative-and-legal aspects when working with the blood.
1.3 Safety precaution. Construction and functional features of the basic units of the dark field microscope and of the hardware-software complex «Dianel Micro».
1.4 Assembling of the product. Acquaintance with the applied documentation, with scientific works. Presentation of produced devices and of techniques.
Serova E.N., Candidat of medical sciences, leading scientist
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Description of haemoscanning technique 
2.1 Technique of taking blood
2.2 Condition and sequence of blood examination.
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Coffee - break
Working with the program «Dianel Micro»
3.1 Loading of the program. Working in the window "Card file" and «Card file of examinations». Entering the data of operator, of patient.
3.2 Main principles and features of asking the patient. Obtaining of initial data (gathering of complaints, anamnesis, objective data specification).
3.3 Working with the options intended for displaying of preparations:
creation of photo- and video-files.
3.4 Selecting of preparations.
3.5 Rules for forming of epicrisis. Printing out of examination results.
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
 Lunch break
* In accordance with the desire of the student:
Dinner at restaurant
Dinner at a dining- room
Dinner at the office
Form elements of blood in norm and in pathology.
4.1 Erythrocytes. Morpho-functional features in norm and in pathology.
Rheology of the blood. Sludge-syndrome.

The reasons for the appearance and methods of recovery in identifying the following forms and disorders of erythrocytes:
Polychromatophilic erythrocytes,
Anulocytes (Hypochromic erythrocytes,)
Oxyphilic erythroblast (erythrokaryocyte)
Taurus Jolly (Howella-Jolly),
Basophilic puncture of erythrocytes,
Pappenheimer's Taurus,
Heinz's little body,
Cape Rings (Cabota),
Crystallization of hemoglobin C,
Parasite infestation in malaria

Poikilocytosis due to erythrocyte's membrane disorders:
Kodocytes (target cells)
Elliptocytes and ovalocytes
Drepanocytes (sickle-shaped)
Poikilocytosis due to erythrocyte's trauma:
Dacrocytes (tear-shaped cells)
Microspherocytes and pyropoikilocytes

4.2 Estimation of blood viscosity with using the scale-of-ten system.
4.3 Leukocytes. Morpho-functional features in norm and in pathology.
4.4 Thrombocytes. Morpho-functional features in norm and in pathology.
4.5 Description and demonstration of slides.
Serova E.N., Candidat of medical sciences, leading scientist
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Plasma of blood in norm and in pathology.
5.1 Definition of plasma. Its description in norm and in pathology.
5.2 Demonstration of slides
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Practical training
6.1 Preparation of microscope for being used.
6.2 Program starting and working with the program «Dianel Micro».
6.3 Adjustment of optical environments.
6.4 Taking blood and making of preparation.
6.5 Visualization of blood with using of 4х, 10х, 40х and 100х objectives.
6.6 Scanning of blood preparation.
6.7 Estimation of the condition of form elements: description of erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes.
6.8 Estimation of the condition of plasma: presence and description of revealed biological and bioorganic inclusions.
6.9 Forming and filling in of conclusion parts (epicrisis)
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
7.1 Summarizing of the day.
7.2 Answering the questions
Answering the questions
*Furthermore, in accordance with the desire of the Student, a cultural program can be offered (to be coordinated beforehand):
Excursion across Moscow;
The second day
 Duration of lectures with practical training is measured in academic hour
 Time of lessons
 Name and content of lessons
The person responsible for lessons
Form and technique of training,
Devices to be used,
Methodical materials,
Special remarks

Features of blood picture in various pathological conditions.
8.1 Disturbance of acid-alkaline balance.
8.2 Hypoxia.
8.3 Disturbed immunity.
8.4 Disbacteriosis.
8.5 A chronic bacterial infection.
8.6 Chronic parasitic infections.
8.7 Helminthosis  
8.8 Chronic intoxication.
8.9 Fermentopathies
8.10 Disturbed carbohydrate exchange.
8.11 Disturbed salt exchange.
8.12 Disturbed lipid exchange.
8.13 Other pathological conditions
Serova E.N., Candidat of medical sciences, leading scientist
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Coffee - break
Video- and photo-materials.
9.1 Comments to illustrations to the studied themes
9.2 Description and demonstration of slides.
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
 Lunch break
* In accordance with the desire of the student:
Dinner at restaurant
Dinner at a dining- room Dinner at the office
 Practical training
10.1 Preparation of microscope for being used.
10.2 Program starting and working with the program «Dianel Micro».
10.3 Adjustment of optical environments.
10.4 Taking blood and making of preparation.
10.5 Visualization of blood with using of 4х, 10х, 40х and 100х objectives.
10.6 Scanning of blood preparation.
10.7 Estimation of the condition of form elements: description of erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes.
10.8 Estimation of the condition of plasma: presence and description of revealed biological and bioorganic inclusions. Forming and filling in of conclusion parts (epicrisis)
Serova E.N., Candidat of medical sciences, leading scientist
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Control testing of knowledge of students.
11.1 Practical working with the hardware-software complex «Dianel Micro»
11.2 Control-test
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
12.1 Summarizing of the day
12.2 Answering the questions
Answering the questions
Rules of “Dianel Micro” software installation on computer or notebook
13.1 "HASP" key and its installation
13.2 Spadework
13.3 “Dianel Micro” program installation
13.4 Possible problems when installing the program
13.5 The first start of the program
13.6 Registration of the program
13.7 Setting of the program
13.8 Menu of additional adjustments
13.9 Function "About the Program"
13.10 Leaving the program “Dianel Micro”
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
*Furthermore, in accordance with the desire of the Student, a cultural program can be offered (to be coordinated beforehand) :
Excursion across Moscow. Visiting: Museums, Theatres, Exhibitions
Comment. The items marked with* are not obligatory ones and they are to be paid in addition.
Persons with medical education are subject to training only. On request, a course may be prolonged.

For successful operation with this method, we recommend to go one-day course of introduction in nutritiology. More in detail

45000 Р
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The curriculum of the three-day training course
«The Method of darkfield and lightfield microscopy of live blood with use of «Dianel-Micro - automation of work on digital microscopes» 

Video "An example of an introductory lesson conducted in our Training Center "Basics of LBA - Live Blood Analysis hemoscanning - native blood microscopy with doctor's comments, Introductory lesson in Russian" -
Part 2 - 1 hour:

Older name of this Method is Haemoscanning of live drop of human blood.

FULL-TIME trainning plan is equal to the ONLINE TRAINING thematic plan. We provide online training individually to the customer according agreed dates and time with help of Skype Share screens function or TeamViewer with voice.
All Training is carried by Doctor of Medicine with experience in native (live) blood microscopy for more than 10 years.

We provide a huge volume of literature, photos and videos. 
The first day
 Duration of lectures with practical training is measured in academic hour, 12 hours in all.
Time of lessons
Name and content of lessons
The person responsible for lessons
Form and technique of training,
Devices to be used,
Methodical materials,
Special remarks
Theoretical bases of the method. Construction of microscope. Review of produced devices.
1.1 Theoretical bases and features of the dark field haemoscanning method.
1.2 Historical information.
Physical bases of the light passage through the optical systems and the difference between investigation in the dark field and in the light field. Normative-and-legal aspects when working with the blood.
1.3 Safety precaution. Construction and functional features of the basic units of the dark field microscope and of the hardware-software complex «Dianel Micro».
1.4 Assembling of the product. Acquaintance with the applied documentation, with scientific works. Presentation of produced devices and of techniques.
Serova E.N., Candidat of medical sciences, leading scientist
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Description of haemoscanning technique 
2.1 Technique of taking blood
2.2 Condition and sequence of blood examination.
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Coffee - break
Working with the program «Dianel Micro»
3.1 Loading of the program. Working in the window "Card file" and «Card file of examinations». Entering the data of operator, of patient.
3.2 Main principles and features of asking the patient. Obtaining of initial data (gathering of complaints, anamnesis, objective data specification).
3.3 Working with the options intended for displaying of preparations:
creation of photo- and video-files.
3.4 Selecting of preparations.
3.5 Rules for forming of epicrisis. Printing out of examination results.
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
 Lunch break
* In accordance with the desire of the student:
Dinner at restaurant
Dinner at a dining- room
Dinner at the office
Form elements of blood in norm and in pathology.
4.1 Erythrocytes. Morpho-functional features in norm and in pathology.
Rheology of the blood. Sludge-syndrome.

The reasons for the appearance and methods of recovery in identifying the following forms and disorders of erythrocytes:
Polychromatophilic erythrocytes,
Anulocytes (Hypochromic erythrocytes,)
Oxyphilic erythroblast (erythrokaryocyte)
Taurus Jolly (Howella-Jolly),
Basophilic puncture of erythrocytes,
Pappenheimer's Taurus,
Heinz's little body,
Cape Rings (Cabota),
Crystallization of hemoglobin C,
Parasite infestation in malaria

Poikilocytosis due to erythrocyte's membrane disorders:
Kodocytes (target cells)
Elliptocytes and ovalocytes
Drepanocytes (sickle-shaped)
Poikilocytosis due to erythrocyte's trauma:
Dacrocytes (tear-shaped cells)
Microspherocytes and pyropoikilocytes

4.2 Estimation of blood viscosity with using the scale-of-ten system.
4.3 Leukocytes. Morpho-functional features in norm and in pathology.
4.4 Thrombocytes. Morpho-functional features in norm and in pathology.
4.5 Description and demonstration of slides.
Serova E.N., Candidat of medical sciences, leading scientist
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Plasma of blood in norm and in pathology.
5.1 Definition of plasma. Its description in norm and in pathology.
5.2 Demonstration of slides
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Practical training
6.1 Preparation of microscope for being used.
6.2 Program starting and working with the program «Dianel Micro».
6.3 Adjustment of optical environments.
6.4 Taking blood and making of preparation.
6.5 Visualization of blood with using of 4х, 10х, 40х and 100х objectives.
6.6 Scanning of blood preparation.
6.7 Estimation of the condition of form elements: description of erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes.
6.8 Estimation of the condition of plasma: presence and description of revealed biological and bioorganic inclusions.
6.9 Forming and filling in of conclusion parts (epicrisis)
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
7.1 Summarizing of the day.
7.2 Answering the questions
Answering the questions
*Furthermore, in accordance with the desire of the Student, a cultural program can be offered (to be coordinated beforehand):
Excursion across Moscow;
The second day
 Duration of lectures with practical training is measured in academic hour
 Time of lessons
 Name and content of lessons
The person responsible for lessons
Form and technique of training,
Devices to be used,
Methodical materials,
Special remarks

Features of blood picture in various pathological conditions.
8.1 Disturbance of acid-alkaline balance.
8.2 Hypoxia.
8.3 Disturbed immunity.
8.4 Disbacteriosis.
8.5 A chronic bacterial infection.
8.6 Chronic parasitic infections.
8.7 Helminthosis  
8.8 Chronic intoxication.
8.9 Fermentopathies
8.10 Disturbed carbohydrate exchange.
8.11 Disturbed salt exchange.
8.12 Disturbed lipid exchange.
8.13 Other pathological conditions
Serova E.N., Candidat of medical sciences, leading scientist
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Coffee - break
Video- and photo-materials.
9.1 Comments to illustrations to the studied themes
9.2 Description and demonstration of slides.
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
 Lunch break
* In accordance with the desire of the student:
Dinner at restaurant
Dinner at a dining- room Dinner at the office
 Practical training
10.1 Preparation of microscope for being used.
10.2 Program starting and working with the program «Dianel Micro».
10.3 Adjustment of optical environments.
10.4 Taking blood and making of preparation.
10.5 Visualization of blood with using of 4х, 10х, 40х and 100х objectives.
10.6 Scanning of blood preparation.
10.7 Estimation of the condition of form elements: description of erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes.
10.8 Estimation of the condition of plasma: presence and description of revealed biological and bioorganic inclusions. Forming and filling in of conclusion parts (epicrisis)
Serova E.N., Candidat of medical sciences, leading scientist
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
Control testing of knowledge of students.
11.1 Practical working with the hardware-software complex «Dianel Micro»
11.2 Control-test
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
12.1 Summarizing of the day
12.2 Answering the questions
Answering the questions
Rules of “Dianel Micro” software installation on computer or notebook
13.1 "HASP" key and its installation
13.2 Spadework
13.3 “Dianel Micro” program installation
13.4 Possible problems when installing the program
13.5 The first start of the program
13.6 Registration of the program
13.7 Setting of the program
13.8 Menu of additional adjustments
13.9 Function "About the Program"
13.10 Leaving the program “Dianel Micro”
Lesson with practical demonstration
Answering the questions
*Furthermore, in accordance with the desire of the Student, a cultural program can be offered (to be coordinated beforehand) :
Excursion across Moscow. Visiting: Museums, Theatres, Exhibitions
Comment. The items marked with* are not obligatory ones and they are to be paid in addition.
Persons with medical education are subject to training only. On request, a course may be prolonged.

For successful operation with this method, we recommend to go one-day course of introduction in nutritiology. More in detail


  • +7495-518-2541
  • +7926-747-5551
  • ПН-ПТ 10:00 – 18:00, UTC+3:00

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